Christian Criado-Perez

Christian’s papers on exp(industry).

Learning and applying best practices #

Innovation: what has to change in your organisation #

Ethical leadership and innovation #

Cross the sea and burn your ships #

Is management evidence-based decision making? #

Altruism in a corporation #

The power and the workings of your unconscious #

5 reasons why you shouldn’t trust “5 reasons why” lists #

Antifragility for Innovative Corporations #

Group Think: The Value of a Black Sheep #

Chaos Theory and Decision Making: Why Rule-of-Thumb is Sometimes Better than a Complex Formula #

A Taboo in Most Industries: Using Gut Feelings to Take Business Decisions #

Is Cooperation Desirable? #

Planning in the Aerospace Industry: Biases and Insights from Behavioral Economics #


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Talented Tribe # At Talented Tribe, we are adventurers seeking new heights, explorers covering new territory, and pioneers redefining the limits of what’s possible. We deeply believe in people; in the capacity of each individual and the... Continue →