Is it a better economic choice to drive an electric car, today?
A growing number of well-established car manufacturers–as well as a few determined newcomers–are developing and/or selling electric cars.
The arguments for such cars are compelling: increasing gasoline price, preservation of the environment, reduced noise pollution, etc. But how do these cars compare to the classical Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) cars we are used to?
In this paper, we attempt a comparison between a typical ICE car, Tesla’s Model S, and Renault’s Zoe, based on a set of assumptions.
Distance travelled, daily (km) Distance travelled, yearly (km) 30 to 70 11 000 to 25 000ICE vs. Model S vs. Zoe
Typical ICE car Model S (85kwh) Renault Zoe Price (€) Wide range 70 000 23 000 Maximumautonomy (km) 1 000 500 150 Typical charge
duration (min.) 5 120 240 Gasoline consumption,
yearly (€) 650 to 2 250 0 0 Electricity consumption,